A small crop of Bishop's Thumb on a maiden intended as one half of an arch in the front garden. Fruit is only slightly bigger than shown on photograph.
I'm not sure how closely my tree compares to Bunyard's Descripton:
BISHOP'S THUMB. Her. Pom. II., 42. F. Pousse
de 1'Eveque. Dessert, October to November, variable
2f by 5, long calebasse form, even. Skin, a little rough.
Colour, pale yellow with bright scarlet flush. Flesh,
palest yellow, fine grained, a little melting, slightly
perfumed, very juicy. Eye, wide open almost on
level. Stem, long and woody, continued, generally at
angle the flesh growing higher up (the stem one side).
Growth, vigorous, makes a good standard ; fertility
good. Leaf, elliptical, nearly flat, finely serrate. Origin,
this has been known in England for many years and is
generally considered to be a native. First described
by Diel in 1804. An old variety often found in orchards
but of no special merit. The curious growth of flesh up
one side of the stem is, I suppose, the origin of its name.